Monday, May 7, 2012

Joy Dare
Lost track of days a bit last week, but some gifts from the week...
#337  seeing my husband light up with excitement as opportunities stir dormant passions
#338  laying down on the couch and looking out my big window at trees filled with green leaves
#339  exploring outdoors with my boys
#340  getting the bathroom cleaned well
#341  returning to sleep routines pretty quickly after an interruption for random illness
#342  HEALING for my baby from breathing struggles!
#343  sharing a Cinnabon and a mini train ride at the mall with my boys, for no particular reason
#344  total excitement from both boys over our baking soda and vinegar volcanoes
#345  watching my baby's face light up and his "oh" expression as he takes notice of more and more things int he world around him
#346  my baby's ability to walk and his delight with his skill
#347  a party to meet many of our neighbors

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