He listened to his first Northwestern football game on the radio last Saturday. (We don't get them on TV out here usually.)
Tomorrow, there is actually a gathering of Northwestern alumni at a local place to watch the game on a cable station. We might try to take Isaiah. Since we're Pacific time, it starts here at 9:00, which is early lately to actually get out of the house these days, but we'll see how it goes. Doubt we'd make it through the whole game anyway, so maybe we'll just go late. So sorry to all my family who are die-hard Hawkeye fans, but Isaiah has to cheer against you tomorrow. :) Go 'cats!
Uh oh Grandpa's going to be upset. The Cats play the Hawkeyes tomorrow. A little inter-family rivalry.
Well, Grandma says Please teach Isaiah to love Northwestern. It is in Chicago! Of course, he will want to go there and come to Grandma's for a meal, to bring his laundry or grandma will go there to take him to lunch. College students are always hungry, right? It is true, Grandpa loves his Hawkeyes!
Welllll, at least one of us had a good sports day! Here's to being happy for the Snowden's!!
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