Saturday, December 27, 2008

First Christmas with Isaiah

So, it has clearly been a long time since I posted. Nothing too deep to say at the moment. The first Christmas with Isaiah was also the first bad cold he's had, so that was sad. I can hear him now (as he is lying in his crib, supposed to be napping) chatting and coughing. In a little while we might go to the hospital to visit our friend's new baby who was born yesterday. Isaiah was the first little guy born in a string of little boys that is coming in our community at the church. So, Isaiah should have plenty of little buddies to play with. Look out, children's church workers! :)
For any who might read this who aren't on facebook, John posted a little lesson on unwrapping gifts by Isaiah. So, here it is...
First you take off the ribbon...Then you eat it.

Then you take off the wrapping paper...Then you eat it.

Then you take out the present...Then you eat it.

Then you are happy! :)